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British Call Duck Club

The Club Standards & Gallery Membership Contact Us Keeping Call Ducks Breeding Call DucksArticles News Abroad Show Details Links

Membership & Shop

Membership costs £7 per year for single membership, OAP & under 16's £6 or £10 for family membership which includes 2 adults and any juniors under 16. If you would like to become a member please click the link below for a membership form which can be printed out and completed.

Click here to download your British Call Duck Club Membership Form (pdf).

The advantages of membership include:

  • Access to information and advice via the nation-wide list of Area Representatives
  • Eligibility to receive trophies and rosettes at the main Club show and many regional shows
  • The opportunity to contact and meet with many like minded fellow Call duck enthusiasts in the Clubs' friendly and welcoming environment.
  • The club produces two Newsletters, a Yearbook and a Breeder's Directory each year, which are free to members.
If you would like any further information about joining the BCDC, please contact Mr Alan Davies on 01437 721 433 (please leave a message, calls will be returned promptly)


The BCDC Call Duck Standards Book
includes both Standard & Non Standard Colours

Do your call ducks shape up? This booklet contains the official type and colour standards for call ducks as accepted by the Poultry Club of Great Britain (the guardian of all poultry and waterfowl standards in the UK) and it also contains the provisional standards for the newer, as yet non-standardised colours.

£12.00 + £2 p&p
£12.00 at shows



BCDC Member's Badge

The badge is a replica of the club emblem.

£3.00 incl p&p

£2.50 at shows


Ceramic Call Duck Figurine

For the 10th anniversary of the BCDC in 2007 the club decided to commission a ceramic call duck keepsake for members who attended the anniversary show in January 2008 held in Brithdir Hall, Haverfordwest.

There a still some of these unique, delicately crafted figurines available to buy.

£7.50 incl p&p


DVD Colourful Calls
An Introduction to Keeping Call Ducks
This DVD aims to provide an insight into the world of domestic waterfowl, the Call Duck. A number of topics are covered, these include a guide to many Standard colours and non-standard colours recognised by breeders. Areas such as the ducks' general requirements are looked at, and also the many reasons for keeping these delightful creatures.The Accompanying Booklet is also ideal for the newcomer to the fancy. It is full of useful information at a glance. Contents include Origins, Basic Husbandry, Colours, the Moult, Common Ailments and much more.

£14.99 incl p&p

Sorry, Discontinued

             Accompanying Booklet 
 £4.50 incl p&p
(6 still available)

If you would like any further information about any of these items, please call Mrs Merryl Lloyd - 01646 692 115. (please leave a message, your query will be dealt with promptly)

To purchase items please send your order plus payment, made payable to 'The British Call Duck Club' to:
Mrs. M. Lloyd
Little Rickeston
Milford Haven
SA73 3TH


Contact Details